Davis Collegiate Conference Registration
School Name
Zip Code
Primary Advisor Name
Primary Advisor Type
Please select...
Faculty Advisor
Parent Coordinator
Student Head Delegate
Primary Advisor Phone Number
Primary Advisor Email
Preferred Method of Contact
Please select...
Secondary Advisor Information
If there is a second advisor, please provide the same information in the space provided.
Delegation Type
Is your team a class (receives an academic grade) or a club (does not receive an academic grade)?
Please select...
Delegation Size
Approximately how many delegates are attending? (Please provide a range)
Country Preferences
Please list at least 5 countries, regions or other descriptions (from most to least preferred) that your delegation would like to represent. We ask that you diversify your choices. We will do our best to accommodate your choices.
Specialized Committees
If you would like seats on Security Council, please inform us.
Please select...
Security Council
If there is anything else of which you feel we should be aware, let us know. We value your feedback.
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Last updated May 13, 2013